Monday, October 18, 2010

What is this blog about, again?

I wanted to reiterate the reasoning behind what this blog is all about. I want it to be a sort of travelogue not only for myself, but also as a reference point for people who have never visited Walt Disney World. Over here in California, EVERYONE is very familiar with Disneyland - as it's an ingrained part of our culture. There's a lot of mystery still surrounding Disney World, and a lot of misconceptions about what it has to offer.

There are a million other resources throughout the web, but I know there are many casual Disney goers who may not spend as much time online scouring website after website in search of the differences between parks (they really are two different beasts). I'm also trying to give a sense as to what it's like for a set of fresh eyes to visit the WDW Resort when the only thing to compare it to is Disneyland. Is it worth it? What is it like to spend a day at one of the WDW Parks?

Here's a recap of where this WDW Trip Report is at currently: We arrived in Florida and spent only a few hours at the end of the first night at The Magic Kingdom park. I'm actually not even half way through covering our first full day at the park - but you need to remember that there are still THREE OTHER PARKS that we went to over the course of our stay (so this trip report WILL get lengthy). In order to keep everyone updated on where we've traveled, I have now included a map at the end of each blog posting. These maps will recount where we've gone so far within that park as well as the end point for that blog posting. Also keep in mind that we ended up circling the Magic Kingdom quicker than we thought, so we did eventually cover nearly every point within the park a second time. So if you think I may have glossed over something - that's probably true, but I will cover things more in depth later. By the way, I took over 1,251 pictures during our 5-day adventure.

I had also started a few posts comparing similar rides that are at both Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom. There will be more of those as well, but have decided to put those on hold for the moment. The reason being that they require a bit of photo digging and additional research in order to write a full and accurate detail of ride differences.

If you ARE a reader of this blog, feel free to comment on anything you see. I'll continue posting in hopes that somebody out there is reading this, haha.

Finally, my next WDW trip is only 12 days away! Wish me luck.


Princess Fee said...

Not long until your next WDW trip - I am so jealous! And looking forward to reading more about your opinions regarding visiting the World as opposed to the 'Land.

Mike said...

Thanks! Glad to see someone finally responding.

Saw your blog - I'm envious of your marathons - keep up the hard work!

Is there a picture on there the shows all of the medals you've received?

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