I woke up early on our first day in Florida - earlier than Ana. That's unusual. It was probably because my nerves had still hardly settled. Wanting to sleep in a bit, I slowed down to allow Ana to get a bit more rest before our first full day out. We held off on eating until we got to the Magic Kingdom, and had planned to eat breakfast on Main Street.
It was around 10am when we got to the park. Again, hardly a line to stand in for the bus, and caught the first one we saw. It was the drive to and from the parks that I felt would eventually take it's toll, but I was alive today.
We rushed into Main Street, half expecting the hustle and bustle that is normal at Disneyland. To our surprise, it was pretty light that day.
Ana and I wanted to wear our homemade Disney shirts today. I made a Big Thunder Mountain goat shirt a few years ago, and drew everything with marker. It eventually faded, but Ana convinced me to finally redo it for our visit. In addition to that, she wanted me to make a shirt for her as well. I had her pick from a bunch of online pictures, and we eventually settled on Splash Mountain for her shirt. Needless to say, they got many looks in Frontierland (but we have a LONG way to go before we head over there).
Let's cover Main Street U.S.A.!

Over to the right where the Opera House at Disneyland is:

It was like an out of body experience. We were on Main Street, but...we weren't familiar with any of it. It's as if somebody scrambled over night to redo everything we had gotten used to over the years of visiting Disneyland. Also, the buildings were so much taller.
In the middle of the Main Street lower hub around the flagpole was a nice Halloween setup. They had marching band pumpkin characters placed all around.

We continued up the street admiring the buildings along the way, but we were continually being drawn towards the castle in all of it's towering elegance.

The neat thing is that Main Street was alive. Off on the side of the street was a quartet, and music was dancing all around us. Up ahead I noticed a strange group of people. A cheerful man stopped people, and engaged in witty banter. I decided to run up and introduce myself. Why, it was the Mayor of Main Street himself! I grabbed a photo op with him and his cheerful wife.
They welcomed us on our first visit, and told us we were always welcome. It was a great way to pull is in and feel inviting. They were completely immersed in their roles, and seemed just as happy to be there as we were.
Now...let's grab something to eat...

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