The two of us headed from the Mayor directly into the Main Street Bakery. (We're used to it being on the left side of the street, but it was on the right side at the Magic Kingdom). We stepped inside to find ourselves in a modest line, standing next to a wooden ledge adorned with tons of tiny pumpkins. Each pumpkin was decorated differently, and it wasn't until after we grabbed our food that I noticed that guests of the park were the folks decorating them!
We scarfed down our food - I got two delicious glazed donuts and a milk for $3 (which is not bad at a theme park). I also managed to spill half of the milk onto my leg when I accidentally hit the edge of my food tray. I smiled. Nothing was going to get ME down today.
It was now time to head over to the pumpkins. Ana asked if I wanted to decorate one. "Sure! Why not?!"
Darth Vader pumpkin:

Ana's "Ooze" Monster:

When we finished, we added our pumpkins to the collective - gently placing them on the ledge for everyone else to see. We took a couple of steps to the door, turned around for one last glimpse at our "mark", and continued on...

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